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Showing posts with label Omen. Show all posts

Monday, 21 September 2020

5 Pilihan Headset Gaming

 1. Logitech G733 


Akhirnya, sebuah headset yang bisa sama ekspresifnya denganmu. G733 sudah wireless dan dirancang untuk kenyamanan. Dan headset ini dilengkapi dengan surround sound, filter suara, dan pencahayaan terbaik yang kamu perlukan untuk terlihat, terdengar, dan bermain dengan lebih keren.

Teknologi wireless LIGHTSPEED memberikan daya tahan baterai selama 29+ jam dan kebebasan wireless yang andal hingga maksimal 20 meter.1Mungkin bervariasi berdasarkan kondisi pengguna dan komputasi. Daya tahan baterai berdasarkan volume headset yang ditetapkan ke 50% dan pencahayaan dimatikan. Bermain tanpa terjebak dalam kekusutan kabel. Relaks dan buai dirimu dalam game, musik, film, atau apa pun hobimu. Bebas dan mainkan sesuai keinginanmu.

Sekitar 16,8 juta warna, dua zona untuk mengkustomisasi pencahayaan agar mencerminkan jati dirimu. Personalisasi warna, visualisasi audio-mu, integrasi ke dunia gaming-mu, atau bereksperimen sesuka hati dengan animasi preset dan buatan sendiri. Program semuanya dengan software G HUB gaming gratis.2Fitur terbaik memerlukan software Logitech G HUB. Download gratis di LogitechG.com/ghub.

Mulai dari suspension strap yang dapat dibalik hingga mic cover, G733 siap untuk dikustomisasi dengan sejumlah aksesori yang berwarna-warni. Campur dan cocokkan. Balikkan dan pasangkan. Bersenang-senang dengan pilihan aksesori yang dijual terpisah.

Dengar semuanya dengan PRO-G driver kami yang didesain untuk audio yang akurat dan full-range. Lebih asyik bermain game dengan generasi DTS Headphone:X 2.0 surround sound terbaru.3Fitur terbaik seperti DTS Headphone:X 2.0, Blue VO!CE, dan LIGHTSYNC RGB tidak tersedia di PlayStation 4. Terdengar menakjubkan dan sangat jelas dengan mikrofon Discord Certified.

Beratnya hanya 278 gram, sedikit lebih berat dari setengah pound. Setara dengan berat dua cheeseburger kecil atau 250 butir jelly bean. Sangat ringan dan suspension strap-nya didesain untuk mengurangi dan mendistribusikan beban sehingga kamu bisa terus bermain seakan-akan tidak sedang memakainya.

Dual-layer memory foam dengan lembut menyesuaikan dengan bentuk kepalamu dan kontur di sekeliling wajahmu. Ia mengurangi titik tegang dan menghadirkan kenyamanan yang tahan lama bagi mereka yang bermain sesi gaming cukup lama. Suspension strap headband yang lembut dan dapat disesuaikan memastikan ukurannya sangat pas.

Gaming tampil berbeda saat Logitech G memadukan teknologi gaming canggih dengan warna ceria, gaya segar, dan nuansa keren. Sempurnakan gear-mu dengan mouse dan keyboard berkinerja tinggi.

 2. Corsair VOID RGB ELITE Wireless Premium Gaming Headset with 7.1 Surround Sound — Carbon (AP) 


Benamkan diri Anda dalam aksi dengan CORSAIR VOID RGB ELITE Wireless, yang menawarkan driver audio neodymium 50mm yang disetel khusus, kain jaring mikrofiber yang nyaman dengan bantalan telinga busa memori, dan koneksi nirkabel 2,4GHz.

Dengarkan semuanya dalam suara surround 7.1 dari langkah kaki paling ringan hingga ledakan paling menggelegar berkat driver audio neodymium densitas tinggi 50mm premium yang disetel khusus dengan rentang frekuensi yang diperluas 20Hz-30.000Hz.

Dibuat untuk kenyamanan abadi melalui sesi permainan yang panjang dengan kain jaring mikrofiber bernapas dan bantalan telinga busa memori yang mewah.

Play with the freedom of up to 40ft of wireless range and up to 16 hours of battery life.

DAYA TAHAN: Konstruksi Tahan Lama dengan Aluminium Yokes yang dibuat untuk bertahan selama bertahun-tahun bermain game.
VOLUME ON-EAR DAN KONTROL MUTE : Lakukan penyesuaian dengan cepat tanpa mengganggu Anda dari game.
MICROPHONE OMNIDIRECTIONAL YANG DIOPTIMALKAN : Ambil suara Anda dengan kejernihan luar biasa, sementara fungsi sunyi flip-up dan indikator sunyi LED built-in memastikan Anda tahu kapan Anda akan didengar, dan kapan tidak.
PENCAHAYAAN RGB DINAMIS : Sesuaikan penampilan Anda dengan pencahayaan RGB di setiap cup telinga yang memungkinkan untuk rangkaian warna dan efek yang hampir tak terbatas.

Perangkat lunak CORSAIR iCUE memungkinkan kontrol yang tepat atas headset Anda, dengan profil audio yang telah disetel sebelumnya, pengaturan ekualiser kustom, suara surround 7.1 yang imersif, dan kontrol sidetone. Sesuaikan pencahayaan RGB Anda di setiap ear cup dengan opsi warna dan efek dinamis yang hampir tidak terbatas. Sinkronkan pencahayaan Anda dengan periferal CORSAIR yang kompatibel.

 3. Asus TUF GAMING H7 


TUF Gaming H7 PC dan headset gaming PS4 dengan built-in 7.1 virtual surround dan bantalan telinga yang ditingkatkan untuk kenyamanan kacamata

Audio yang imersif. Daya tahan yang tangguh
Headset TUF Gaming H5 yang baru dirancang untuk memberikan kualitas suara yang luar biasa dan daya tahan yang tangguh. Dengan suara surround virtual 7.1 on-board, driver eksklusif ASUS Essence dan desain ruang kedap udara, TUF Gaming H5 meningkatkan pengalaman audio dalam game Anda dengan suara yang kaya dan imersif. Desainnya yang ringan memberikan kenyamanan luar biasa untuk sesi permainan yang diperpanjang, dan ikat kepala baja tahan karat memastikan headset akan tahan terhadap kerasnya permainan dan perjalanan yang sering. TUF Gaming H5 hadir dengan konektor 3.5mm, memungkinkan headset digunakan dengan berbagai platform, termasuk PC, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, dan ponsel.

Bass Sangat Dalam, Detail Lebih Jelas
Ruang kedap udara eksklusif dan driver ASUS Essence
TUF Gaming H5 mewarisi fitur audio paling ikonik dari headset gaming ASUS, ruang kedap udara eksklusif, dan driver ASUS Essence, yang memberikan suara lebih jernih dengan bass kuat, memungkinkan Anda membenamkan diri dalam pengalaman gaming yang terdengar alami dan imersif.

Benamkan dalam Game Secara Instan
Tombol-aktifkan 7.1 Suara Surround Virtual
Tidak diperlukan perangkat lunak atau kinerja PC yang terpengaruh, TUF Gaming H5 hadir dengan suara surround virtual 7.1 onboard, yang dengan mudah diaktifkan hanya dengan satu tombol pada dongle!

Tangguh, Daya Tahan Tahan Lama
Ikat Kepala Baja Tahan Karat
Untuk menahan kerasnya permainan yang intens, ikat kepala TUF Gaming H5 terbuat dari baja tahan karat tahan lama yang tangguh dan tahan lama untuk penggunaan yang lama.

Ear Cup yang Dapat Disesuaikan dan Desain Ringan
Dengan earcup yang dapat disesuaikan, TUF Gaming H5 cocok untuk semua jenis bentuk kepala dan memungkinkan para gamer untuk bermain game tanpa kelelahan dalam sesi gaming yang lama. Desain yang ringan juga membantu mengurangi tekanan yang diberikan headset kepada para gamer dan juga sangat cocok untuk bepergian.

Mikrofon ganda
Cocok untuk Game dan Obrolan saat bepergian
TUF Gaming H5 dirancang dengan cermat dengan dua mikrofon: mikrofon boom yang dapat dilepas yang memberikan komunikasi yang jelas saat bermain game, dan mikrofon in-line yang nyaman untuk panggilan telepon dan tugas sehari-hari lainnya. Selain itu, volume dan bisu mikrofon yang dapat disesuaikan in-line berguna untuk Anda gunakan.

Satu Headset untuk semua Platform
Dengan TUF Gaming H5, Anda tidak memerlukan headset lain untuk bermain game konsol. TUF Gaming H5 mendukung lintas platform termasuk PC, MAC, PS4, Nintendo Switch, ponsel, dan Xbox One.

Gudang Senjata II
Armory II adalah perangkat lunak yang menawarkan kontrol ekstensif dan UI intuitif, sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah menyetel TUF Gaming H5 untuk bermain sesuai keinginan Anda1. Kendalikan sepenuhnya pengalaman audio Anda, dari equalization (EQ) hingga 7.1-speaker level-balancing2, dan bahkan buat dan terapkan profil audio untuk berbagai jenis dan skenario game, seperti first-person shooter dan racing, dengan mudah.

 4. Steelseries ARCTIS 9 WIRELESS 

Nirkabel + Bluetooth Kinerja Tinggi
Headset nirkabel ganda Arctis 9 menggabungkan nirkabel 2,4 GHz berkinerja tinggi untuk audio gaming premium di PC dan PlayStation, dengan kenyamanan konektivitas Bluetooth simultan untuk yang lainnya.
- Nirkabel 2.4GHz : Dilengkapi dengan latensi ultra-rendah nirkabel lossless 2.4GHz untuk audio fidelitas tinggi, sehingga Anda dapat menikmati pengalaman bermain game nirkabel tanpa jeda yang imersif di PC dan PlayStation.
- Bluetooth : Gunakan nirkabel pada perangkat berkemampuan Bluetooth apa pun, dan bahkan gunakan kedua jenis nirkabel secara bersamaan sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah menerima panggilan, mendengarkan musik, atau obrolan VoIP saat bermain game atau saat bepergian.

Mikrofon ClearCast Arctis
Mikrofon bersertifikat Discord menggunakan desain dua arah, sama seperti yang digunakan oleh awak dek kapal induk, untuk peredam bising yang superior sehingga suara Anda terdengar jernih dan alami.

Kontrol ChatMix di telinga
Panggil keseimbangan sempurna Anda dari permainan dan audio obrolan menggunakan kontrol headphone on-ear dengan cepat tanpa menghentikan permainan Anda.

Suara Arctis khas
Pemandangan suara Arctis yang khas menekankan suara dalam game yang halus dan kritis, memungkinkan Anda mendengar setiap detail untuk keuntungan audio.

Daya tahan baterai terdepan di industri
Baterai yang dioptimalkan menyediakan hingga 20+ jam penggunaan nirkabel nonstop, sehingga Anda dapat bermain game sepanjang hari dan malam dengan sekali pengisian daya.

DTS Surround Sound
Headphone DTS: X v2.0 memberikan isyarat posisi suara surround yang sangat akurat untuk PC.

 5. OMEN Frequency Wireless Headset 


Mahkota diri Anda sebagai penguasa audio game nirkabel, dengan kinerja perdana dan latensi sangat rendah.

Tingkatkan kekuatan dengan 360º sadar spasial 7.1 Surround Sound dirancang untuk menghanyutkan seluruh diri Anda dalam audio paling menakjubkan di negeri ini. Semua itu dengan chip C-Media Xear ™ di bahunya.1

Tetap leluasa dan bebas lag dengan ketepatan tertinggi dengan Teknologi Nirkabel Warp yang secara proaktif mencari frekuensi terbaik.2

Beberapa baterai mengira mereka akan hidup selamanya. Nikmati permainan abadi dengan masa pakai baterai hingga 30 jam yang mengesankan dan pengisian daya USB-C®.

Mikrofon ganda peredam bising lingkungan mengisolasi suara Anda saat Anda ingin didengar. (Jika tidak, cukup balikkan ke headset.)

Jika pernah ada pertanyaan tentang siapa yang duduk di kursi pengemudi.

Satu headset di semua platform berarti Anda dapat membuang semua headset lama yang kusut. Gunakan nirkabel di PC, PS4, dan Nintendo Switch, atau jack 3,5 mm di Xbox

Menentukan momen membutuhkan kualitas suara yang pasti. Berada di zona.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

5 Pilihan Laptop Gaming 2020

 1. ROG Mothership (GZ700) 

5 Pilihan Laptop Gaming 2020, Laptop gaming, Asus, Asus ROG, MSI, Gigabyte, Alienware, Omen, Game, игра, اللعبة, 比赛,  Gaming Laptops

Laptops have a limited cooling system and lock you in certain positions that are not solid as a desktop replacement, so we have rearranged the form factor to improve your gaming performance. ROG Mothership is a Windows 10 portable powered device with an innovative design that enhances cooling for overclocked GeForce RTX ™ 2080 GPUs and 8th generation Intel® Core ™ i9 CPUs. Enjoy the detailed G-SYNC ™ 4K screen and keyboard can be removable to adapt to the way you play. RAID SSD storage and 2.5G Ethernet deliver extremely fast performance for every part of this revolutionary gaming machine.

Every aluminum unibody is perfectly formed with a precision CNC machining process. Upright chassis stands for increased airflow and cooling, enabling a sleeker and more portable design. It rests on a stepless hinge that fits any setting and is separate from the keyboard for added flexibility. Remove and reposition the keyboard for your ideal game position, or replace it with your favorite desktop peripherals. ROG Mothership can be used during travel or to provide full battalion strength at home.

Laptops have limited air flow because most of the intake comes from ventilation under the chassis, where there is little room to breathe, but the unique design of the ROG Mothership breathes cool air from behind. Standing tall decreases the temperature to 14 ° C *, and the molten metal takes CPU cooling to the next level. A smooth change between Scenario Profiles optimizes performance and acoustics for the task at hand.

* Unless stated otherwise, the numbers are based on theoretical performance. Actual numbers can vary in real world situations.

ROG Mothership raises the bar with factory unlocked GPUs and CPUs that are unlocked for further adjustments. The GeForce RTX ™ 2080 increases to 1880MHz at 200W, and its 8GB GDAM6 VRAM has a 7200MHz clock, setting new standards for gaming laptops and VR performance, while the 9th Generation Intel® Core ™ i9 CPU releases eight cores and 16 threads on workloads heavy. * They are paired with up to three NVMe SSDs in RAID 0, with two drives connected to the CPU to reach 8700MB / s which is crazy.
* Unless stated otherwise, the numbers are based on theoretical performance. Actual numbers can vary in real world situations.

Immerse yourself in a beautiful graphic on a beautiful 17.3 ”display. Choose exceptionally sharp and detailed 4K visuals with a variety of rich colors that use G-SYNC ™ technology to deliver smoother gameplay with lower input lag and no tears.

Redesigning the form factor allows us to adjust four speakers along the front edge to produce high quality sound directly to you. Audio ROG Mothership is powered by premium ESS® Saber HiFi DAC with Hi-Res Audio certification. Smart amplification lets you pump volume without damaging the speakers, while virtualization simulates surround sound for stereo devices such as headphones and VR headsets.

Free yourself from gigabit bottlenecks. ROG Mothership amps up networking with 2.5G Ethernet that lifts your LAN to the next level. Next-gen Intel® Wi-Fi 6 with Gig + (802.11ax) surpasses gigabit speeds and offers higher efficiency and performance on busy networks. Patented ROG Range Boost tech moves the signal between pairs of antennas to maximize signal strength and reduce connection drops that hurt your game.

Gaming desktops let you set the keyboard at just the right angle, and ROG Mothership offers the same freedom. Its keyboard easily pulls away from magnetic anchors and can run wirelessly on 2.4GHz or tethered via USB Type-C. Fast-firing switches put a familiar desktop layout at your fingertips. Personalize the per-key RGB backlighting for different games and load profiles automatically with Armory Crate.

The ideal game setup for everyone is different. The versatile ROG Mothership design offers broad connectivity to create the ideal gaming environment. Three USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports and one USB 3.2 Gen 1 leave enough space for all your favorite peripherals. Install up to three additional and multi-tasking external monitors such as a pro via USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C ™ with DisplayPort ™ 1.4, USB-C with Thunderbolt 3, and an HDMI 2.0 port. Play games, follow team chats, and browse the web on different screens, all at the same time.

ROG Armory Crate brings together system and lighting controls to place important settings at your fingertips in one utility. You can easily define and customize Scenario Profiles that automatically make adjustments when you launch your favorite titles.
* The interface can vary by version.

Each ROG Mothership is equipped with documents detailing system design and development. It tells the story behind the project and provides technical diagrams and schemes that illustrate the hardware under the hood. You can also bundle ROG Mothership with a series of game peripherals and accessories; complete the right support cast for your settings.
* Bundle options may vary by region.


5 Pilihan Laptop Gaming 2020, Laptop gaming, Asus, Asus ROG, MSI, Gigabyte, Alienware, Omen, Game, игра, اللعبة, 比赛,  Gaming Laptops

The new GT76 Titan is the most extreme Titan ever created. The exterior design is inspired by exotic racing cars,with a sleek aerodynamic aluminum coating and carbon fiber-themed bodywork.Combined bars and metals contribute to maximum intake and disposal for super power.

Titan GT broke all records with full desktop performance, overclocked to 5.0GHz on all 8 cores to deliver the most extreme performance ever.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX brings the ultimate gaming laptop experience. This sleek and powerful gaming equipment is powered by the latest NVIDIA Turing GPU architecture and a revolutionary RTX platform. Simultaneous RTX graphics cards provide real-time ray tracing, AI, and programmed shading.

The latest thin bezel design not only offers more immersive visuals, but also embeds a larger screen in a smaller and compact form. It is suitable for your mobility experience.

Extreme performance also requires extreme cooling capabilities. The latest Cooler Boost Titan is redesigned to handle the most extreme heat, giving the GT Titan overclocked desktop performance.

Show your best RGB gaming themes with the latest Mystic Light. The illumination light now spreads throughout the keyboard and extends to the unique chassis producing underglow light. This provides granular control of the lighting system, creating almost unlimited combinations in 16.8 million colors.

Get a 4x refresh rate than conventional laptop screens with smooth contrast levels.

With a pixel density of 4 times the standard Full HD, don't miss the slightest detail and enjoy the 4K playing experience!

Enjoy the experience of how sound should sound with ESS Saber Hi-Fi DAC (Digital-Analog-Converter) technology. Ability that supports up to 24bit / 192kHz samples, does not require an audiophile to know the difference.

Adjust each button to your liking and get in-game status directly through the keyboard backlight, or watch the dancing lights follow your favorite notes!

Stop losing games because of lag with Killer DoubleShot Pro. Protect and prioritize network traffic while preventing lag spikes to always play to the maximum. Gamers can easily manage bandwidth for each application with the user-friendly Killer Control Center.


5 Pilihan Laptop Gaming 2020, Laptop gaming, Asus, Asus ROG, MSI, Gigabyte, Alienware, Omen, Game, игра, اللعبة, 比赛,  Gaming Laptops

Revolutionary 17-inch gaming laptop with upgradeable, overclockable desktop 9th Gen Intel® Core™ processors and NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ graphics, plus a magnesium alloy chassis.

Available with Windows 10 Home: Gaming is better than ever on Windows 10, with games in 4K, DirectX 12, and streaming your gameplay*.

The Alienware Area-51m is unlike any mobile gaming machine ever created. With unprecedented desktop-level processing power, CPU and GPU upgradability, advanced cooling and a premium, revolutionary design, a true desktop-gaming experience is now available in the form of a laptop.

The Area-51m features a host of firsts for peak performance and power. It’s our first-ever Alienware laptop to feature 8-core, 16-thread Intel® processors, giving it a whole new level of compute power versus other gaming laptops. Engineered with desktop processors, the CPU is enabled with up to 125% rated power, allowing high-end overclocking. This results in higher performance for megatasking, CPU-intensive gaming, as well as day-to-day applications.

Lose yourself in vivid, uninterrupted gaming thanks to NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ graphics with full-throttle power and up to 30W of overclocking headroom—all on an immersive 144Hz G-SYNC 17" Full HD display. Users can overclock their settings via the new Alienware Command Center. 

The Area-51m is also our first-ever Alienware laptop to support up to 64GB of XMP DDR4 memory, ensuring you have enough RAM for even the most performance-intensive tasks.

Gamers have made it clear that they’ve noticed a lack of CPU and GPU upgradability in gaming laptops.

The Area-51m was engineered with this in mind, finally allowing gamers to harness power comparable to even the highest-performance desktop, and taking advantage of latest technologies from NVIDIA® such as ray tracing, DLSS, and AI enhanced graphics.

CPU upgrades can be done using standard desktop-class processors, while GPU upgrades can be done with GPU upgrade kits available on Dell.com or with the Alienware Graphics Amplifier.

Our thermal technology, Advanced Alienware Cryo-Tech v2.0, optimizes component cooling, which maximizes overall performance and keeps your laptop cool to the touch. Here’s a closer look at our innovative cooling solution.

Dual-Intake, Dual-Exhaust Airflow Design: The Area-51m chassis prioritizes performance with a dual fan design that pulls in cool air from the bottom and top vents, while exhaling exhaust out the rear and side vents for optimal core component cooling. (The Intel® Core™ i7-8700 with NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 2060 configuration does not have a side-exhaust)

High Voltage Driving Fan: The fire resistant, liquid-crystal polymer fan is built with 0.2mm blades, sleeve bearings and 3-phase fan control to create less friction and circulate air more efficiently. The Area-51m fans occupy an area of 95x105mm with a thickness ranging from 19mm to 21.5mm and can push over 25 CFM in open air conditions—something normally seen only in desktops.

Load-balancing Heat Pipes: The dynamics of thermal activity across critical components like the GPU and the CPU are intelligently discharged across various dedicated and shared 8mm and 6mm copper-composite heat pipes.The highest-end configurations carry 7 total heat pipes.

Copper Fin Stacks: The Area-51m features best-in-class surface temperatures, largely due to a thermal module, including four 0.15mm copper fins.Heat is drawn away from the most critical components to prioritize system performance and longevity.

Thermal Control: Cryo-Tech v2.0 ensures that 100% of the system's GPU thermal design power is enabled, while also ensuring CPU-intensive games benefit from high performance.

Whisper-quiet:  The cooling system of the Area-51m is so powerful, virtually no noise is heard while engaged in daily tasks.


The Alienware Graphics Amplifier supports next generation NVIDIA® and AMD graphics cards and includes an additional 4-port USB 3.0 hub for added peripherals. With a dedicated PCI-Express X4 Gen 3 with up to 40Gbps throughout, you never have to worry about the disadvantages that come with a shared connection.

A keyboard like no other: With an upgraded Alienware TactX keyboard, N-key rollover technology enables over 108-key commands for maximum actions per minute and 2.2mm of key travel allows for rapid response for any keystroke. Per-key AlienFX lighting delivers customizable lighting profiles, while programmable macro keys let you create gaming and non-gaming shortcuts for over 150 game titles. The TactX keyboard also features a steel back plate which offers improved rigidity and uniform feedback while typing across all keys for an enhanced experience that guarantees up to 10 million keystrokes.

2.5Gbps Ethernet: The Area-51m is our first-ever system to feature a 2.5Gbps bandwidth Ethernet connection, giving gamers 2.5x the amount of common wired Ethernet connections for blazing-fast file transfers through Killer E3000 ethernet port.

Thunderbolt™ Type-C port: This multi-use port is ready to be used as a USB 3.1 port, offering 10Gbps of data transfer, a Thunderbolt™ connection capable of 40Gbps, or even a DisplayPort enabling various monitors supporting the DisplayPort protocol.

Exceptional battery life: Up to a 90Wh battery delivers longer uninterrupted gameplay.

Hear every battle cry: Experience every sound with best-in-class speakers for a laptop. High-end headphone support delivers outstanding fidelity while Far Field Audio improves microphone performance.

Alienware Mobile Connect creates an advanced, complete, and wireless integration between your PC and iOS or Android smartphone.

Enjoy your iOS or Android smartphone functionality through your Alienware PC’s mouse, keyboard, and touch screen.

Make or take calls, send and receive text messages, access your contacts, get mobile notifications, and, on Android, mirror your phone’s screen onto your PC for interactive engagement with any of your smartphone apps.

1. (2x) SuperSpeed USB 3.1 Type-A Ports | 2. HDMI 2.0 Output with HDCP 2.2 Output Port (Supports direct drive VR interfaces) | 3. Mini-Display 1.4 Output Port (supports NVIDIA G-SYNC) | 4. (1x) RJ45 Killer E3000 2.5Gbps Ethernet Port, 10/100/1000/2500 Base-T, IPv6 | 5. Alienware Graphics Amplifier Port | 6. Dual DC Power Inputs | 7. Wedge-shaped lock slot (cable and lock sold separately) | 8. Thunderbolt™ 3 Port (supports USB 3.1 and DisplayPort 1.2) | 9. SuperSpeed USB 3.1 Type-A Port with Powershare Technology | 10. Global Headset Jack | 11. Headphone/MIC Retaskable Jack

1. Height: Front 1.09" (27.65mm) – Rear 1.23" (31.2mm), Peak 1.7" | 2. Width: 410 mm (16.1") | 3. Depth: 402.6 mm (15.85") | Maximum Weight: 8.54 lbs. (3.87 Kg)

 4. Gigabyte AORUS 17 
5 Pilihan Laptop Gaming 2020, Laptop gaming, Asus, Asus ROG, MSI, Gigabyte, Alienware, Omen, Game, игра, اللعبة, 比赛,  Gaming Laptops
AORUS 17-The World’s First Laptop Equipped with OMRON Mechanical Switches
AORUS leads the industry yet again through the collaboration with world renowned mechanical mouse switches and external mechanical switches provider, OMRON. The collaboration gives birth to a uniquely designed keyboard that is exclusive to the all-new flagship, AORUS 17 laptop. Not only does it have a phenomenal keystroke sensation, it also represents a Japanese spirit of seeking quality finishes, in addition to the smoothest and vivid background keyboard lighting, giving gamers the best partner for the battlefield.

AORUS 17 with OMRON Mechanical Switches* Extreme Keystroke Sensation
AORUS joins the world renowned mechanical switches innovator (OMRON),creating the world’s first laptop with OMRON mechanical switches, the AORUS 17. Not only does it have sensational feel, every key comes at an optimal height of 2.5mm with an ultra-durable keystroke lifespan of up to 15 million times. What’s more, the keycaps are made with a special concentric design that lets the key lighting shine through evenly for an even more vivid lighting experience. This is the true tactile and visual experience gamers demand and crave.

AORUS RGB Fusion 2.0 Next Level RGB Lighting
Each and every key can be customized to light up only the required keys for each application, allowing the user to instantly identify which keys to press. Taking the customizable RGB fusion software found throughout the AORUS brand, AORUS has gone further for the all-powerful AORUS 17. In conjunction with the surround RGB lighting. You will be able to control all the RGB lighting found throughout the AORUS 17.

NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ A Whole New World
The all new AORUS 17, equipped with NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ graphics, based on the NVIDIA Turing™ GPU architecture with real-time ray tracing, artificial intelligence, and programmable shading bringing gamers a whole new experience.

AORUS Graphics Switch GPU Control is All Yours
Laptop performance and battery drain has always, posed a design challenge, now with the “Graphic Switch“ in the AORUS Control Center, gamers can switch different GPU modes in order to suit the situation. Gamers can go max performance with the discrete NVIDIA® GPU or save battery power by using the NVIDIA® Optimus™ technology, no matter what, the control is in your hands.

Superior Bloodline Continues Expressing True Power and Elegance
The AORUS 17 chassis combines elements of fast and powerful design, expanding its original design inspiration cues taken from fighter jets, exotic cars and the phoenix. Each and every line is carefully thought through, giving the chassis a raging sense of freedom and power through its metal construction, in addition to the thin bezel design, the whole chassis screams of a soul that wants to conquer them all.

World’s first 8-core processor* True Believer of Extreme
The all new AORUS 17 is the world’s first laptop to equip itself with an 8 core overclockable processor, the Intel® Core i9-9980HK*, with a clock speed of 5Ghz, in addition to Intel® Thermal Velocity Boost dynamic overclocking technology, gamers can expect flying speeds when it comes to media processing and gaming experiences.

WINDFORCE Infinity Cooling System Creates the Ultimate Gaming Laptop
The AORUS 17 is equipped with the latest WINDFORCE Infinity Cooling System, cooling efficiency is up by 37%*, not only does it help the AORUS 17 achieving 100% CPU and GPU outputs but also remains quite and stable at the same time.

World’s First and Only All Intel Inside
GIGABYTE leads the industry by collaborating with Intel® - the world renowned tech giant. With a combination of high-performance parts by Intel®, such as the brand new high-performance 8 core Intel® CPU, durable and ultra-fast 760p SSD and Intel® based Killer Wi-Fi and the 40Gbps transfer speed capable Thunderbolt 3. All these high-performance parts work together seamlessly to give gamers the winning edge.

Microsoft Azure AI The Trusted Game Optimizer
The AORUS 17 comes with an industry leading innovation: Microsoft Azure AI technology. The artificial intelligence will know the game is running and dynamically set the best CPU and GPU wattage setting for optimal gaming performance. Everything is done automatically so gamers won’t need to constantly adjust settings to maximize performance.

6TB storage with Intel® M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD
Every gamers dream is to have large storage capacity and ultra-fast speeds. The AORUS 17 can carry a huge maximum 6TB of storage and is able to satisfy the need to store large amounts of games and media. The AORUS 17 is fully equipped with the high-quality Intel® 760p PCIe 3.0 x4 SSD with read speeds of up to 3200 MB/s. Gamers no longer need feel the drag of loading screens and get into action right away.

World’s Thinnest 3mm Bezel + AUO 240Hz Gaming Display Panel* Win or Lose is Determined in a Fraction of a Second
The all new AORUS 17 comes equipped with the world’s thinnest 3mm display bezel for unforgettable visuals, in addition to an AUO 240Hz gaming panel that has an insanely high refresh rate and shortest response rate of just 3ms, enough to combat motion blur that may determine victory within the game.

X-Rite™ Pantone® Calibration Accurate Color Display
The AORUS 17 not only comes with a revolutionary display, each display is also tuned by X-Rite™ Pantone calibration before it leaves the factory. With an accuracy of Delta E<1*, expect a display that shows exceptional colors that the game creator has intended.

Killer™ Ethernet E2600 + Killer™ Wi-Fi 6 AX1650| Zero Lag
The AORUS 17 is equipped with the all new killer E2600 LAN internet chip and the all new AX1650 wireless network card. The AX 1650 further supports next generation internet standard 802.11AX (Wi-Fi 6) with a transfer speed of up to 2.4Gbps, in addition to the Killer exclusive data package arrangement technology, giving you in game data stability, so you can concentrate on your mission.

ESS SABRE Hi-Fi Audio DAC Catering for Your Audio Needs
The AORUS 17 is equipped with the latest ESS SABRE Hi-Fi DAC audio chip which supports up to 24bit/192KHz output frequency, easily drives 16~600ohm mid to high-end headphones, meaning that sounds are clearer and more detailed, giving gamers the advantage of taking the initiative through hearing precise sounds.

NAHIMIC 3 3D Sound Immersion for the Soul
NAHIMIC sound technology extracts every sound element from the source in order to bring listeners true 3D surround sound. Gamers can use such sound advantage to clearly hear the direction of the enemy and experience immersive sounds like no other.

Multiple Ports Expand Possibilities
A fully fledged port offering, giving you the ability to expand with accessories and peripherals to your heart content.

 5. OMEN 17 Laptops 

5 Pilihan Laptop Gaming 2020, Laptop gaming, Asus, Asus ROG, MSI, Gigabyte, Alienware, Omen, Game, игра, اللعبة, 比赛,  Gaming Laptops

RTX. It's On.
With up to full-size NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 2080 graphics, you can experience desktop-level performance anywhere.

NVIDIA Turing™ Architecture
This revolutionary architecture, combined with NVIDIA's all-new GeForce RTX™ platform, fuses together real-time ray tracing, artificial intelligence, and programmable shading. You've never enjoyed games like this before.

Real-Time Ray Tracing In Games
Ray tracing is the definitive solution for lifelike lighting, reflections, and shadows, offering a level of realism far beyond what’s possible using traditional rendering techniques. NVIDIA Turing is the first GPU capable of real-time ray tracing.

GeForce RTX gaming GPUs come loaded with next-generation GDDR6 memory, support for DirectX 12 features like DXR, and more.

Smooth, immersive visuals
Crisp gameplay is crucial if you want to play at your best.

1080p or 4K4 resolution
Choose between 1080p FHD4 (recommended for gaming) or 4K UHD5,6 (recommended for media).

Up to 144Hz refresh rate6
With up to 144Hz refresh rate6, on-screen visuals are swift and smooth7.

Narrow bezel display
Narrow bezels deliver edge-to-edge immersion and reduce the overall footprint.

Power to perform
Intel® Core™ processor
Up to a 9th generation Intel® Core™ i9 processor provides the horsepower needed for gaming, streaming, and multitasking.

Accelerated storage
Boot up your operating system and load games at lightning-fast speeds with accelerated storage options including PCIe SSD, RAID 08, and Intel® Optane™ memory with SSD.9,10

Up to 32GB of DDR4-3200 RAM, everything from gaming to multitasking gets a speed and performance boost.11

Latest Wi-Fi technology
Experience high-speed internet connectivity and seamless online gaming with Wi-Fi options supporting gigabit speeds.12

OMEN Command Center
- System vitals
- Performance control
- Lighting
- Network Boster

OMEN Tempest Cooling Technology
Stay cool under pressure with OMEN Tempest Cooling Technology. 3-sided venting, 5-way airflow, and 12V fan power module ensures the ultimate thermal solution and system stability. OMEN 15 Laptop shown.

Keys to victory
Maneuver towards the win with a keyboard featuring 4-zone RGB or red key backlighting, 1.5mm fast action key travel, and 26-key rollover anti-ghosting.

Enhanced audio
- DTS:X Ultra
- HP Audio Boost
- Audio by Bang & Olufsen

Upgrade. Expand. Evolve.
Easily upgrade and maintain your system with single-panel access to HDD, SDD, and RAM. OMEN 17 Laptop shown.

Thursday, 19 July 2018

4 Rekomendasi Headset Gaming dibawah 1 juta

 1. Logitech PRODIGY G231 

Rekomendasi Headset Gaming dibawah 1 juta

Rp 999.000

Spesifikasi :
Frequency (MHz) : 20Hz - 20KHZ
Connector description : Analog 4 Pole 3,5 mm Plug
Weight : 9,0 lbs (255 g) tanpa kabel

 2. Genius HS-G700V 

Rekomendasi Headset Gaming dibawah 1 juta

Rp 995.270

Spesifikasi :
Frequency (MHz) : 20Hz - 20KHz
Connector description : USB
Weight : 14,2 ons

 3. OMEN by HP Headset 800 

Rekomendasi Headset Gaming dibawah 1 juta

Rp 902.000

Spesifikasi :
Frequency (MHz) : 20Hz - 20KHz
Connector description : Wired, 3.5 mm audio jack
Weight : 0.43 kg

 4. Razer Kraken 7.1 Classic 

Rekomendasi Headset Gaming dibawah 1 juta

Rp 865.308

Spesifikasi :
Frequency (MHz) : 20 - 20,000 Hz
Connector description : USB
Weight : 293 g / 0.65 lbs.
